Reflecting on our 25-year journey
5th February 2025

Reflecting on our 25-year journey: Embracing our values for a brighter future
At Partners Porirua we believe in the power of looking back to move forward. The life-changing impact we’ve had on Porirua rangatahi has been shaped by our commitment to our core values. These guide us every step of the way.
Our values:
Whanaungatanga: A sense of belonging, whānau support, inclusiveness, and connection. What it looks like: Encouraging whānau involvement, finding appropriate cultural services, and helping rangatahi connect to services, employers and each other.
Manaakitanga: The ability to extend aroha, helping each other, tautoko, coaching, awhi-support, active listening, and follow-up. What it looks like: Encouraging helping and sharing, providing the best resources and information, and following through and following up.
Kotahitanga: Oneness, everyone doing the same thing at the same time. What it looks like: Unity, solidarity, togetherness, and collective action.
Tikanga: Behaviour and practices that are appropriate. What it looks like: Ensuring that actions and decisions are culturally appropriate and respectful.
Our logo symbolises our dedication to elevating Porirua rangatahi through the collaboration of education, business, and community. It represents us working together, being in the same waka, gaining momentum, and moving forward.
As we reflect on our history, we are reminded of the importance of our values in shaping our path. These values are not just words; they are the foundation of our actions and decisions. They inspire us to strive for excellence, foster innovation, and create a positive impact on the rangatahi we serve.
As the Partners New Zealand programme founder and visionary, Elizabeth Deuchrass, said:
“Businesses need and want to invest in the future of New Zealand, however, I believe this investment doesn’t come in the form of dollars, but in the sharing of time and expertise with our youth.”
Of the eight organisations created in 2000 under the Partnerships New Zealand initiative, Partners Porirua Trust is the only one still operating today. This achievement results from the commitment of our past and present kaimahi, management and board of trustees.
The founding and formidable Chief Exec for the first 20 years Michelle Robinson said “Each year Partners Porirua reaches over 1,000 children, young people, and their families through community-based programmes. By facilitating partnerships between business, the education sector, and other organisations, Partners Porirua is able to inspire Porirua youth about the working world. The organisation promotes education, training, and employment leading to youth independence and wellbeing”.
Effecting change for rangatahi is everyone’s responsibility. Join us as we continue to embrace our values, celebrate our history, and work together towards a brighter future. Together, we can achieve greatness and make a lasting difference.
Our General Manager Henry Samia often refers to an old African Proverb when reflecting on the Partners Porirua journery, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Changing the lives of rangatahi is a shared responsibility. Join us in upholding our values, honouring our history, and working for a brighter future. Together, we can achieve greatness and make a lasting impact.
We draw inspiration from the Māori proverb:
“Ka mua, ka muri” – Walking backwards into the future.
#Values #History #Future #PoriruaYouth