10-year milestone for Porirua Youth 2 Work Movement

Partners Porirua News

The Porirua Youth 2 Work Movement (Y2W) recently celebrated 10 years of operation – a fact recognised as part of the Porirua Young Employee Awards celebrations.

Born of a desire to create opportunities for rangatahi to connect and transition from school to a future that they actually want, the Movement is one of Partner’s Porirua flagship services.

Dale Williams, founding Chair of the Y2W advisory Group says former Porirua Mayor Nick Leggett approached him for help to set up a Y2W programme similar to what had been rolled out elsewhere – but to make it better and ‘Porirua Style’.

Afterall pride, perseverance and passion are things Porirua is renowned for, says Dale.

Dale says Y2W is founded on three Ps: partnership, process and people. Partnerships with Ngāti Toa, council, schools and employers. Process, the way it works through the Youth 2 Work strategy and the Mayor’s Task Force for jobs. People, the incredible team at Partners Porirua.

Ranei Wineera-Parai, Current Chair of the Y2W Advisory Group, says Y2W has made a profound difference to so many people. “Not just rangatahi but all their families – it has shaped so many futures. It is providing skills and confidence for rangatahi to be the adults that they become.”

She says that Y2W:

  • Has 37 partnering employers and organisations
  • Has 15 supportive businesses and education providers
  • Supports 80+ rangatahi each year into mahi

Over the years the years Y2W has hosted Jobfests, Careefest, women in trades events, construction and infrastructure events, tradie meet and greets, youth employment events, has worked with Police on recruitment seminars and last year was involved in a citywide expo.

“In addition, we have also worked to harness rangatahi voices and encourage young people to vote in both national and local elections – we are concentrating on being good citizens as well,” says Ranei.