About Us
‘Our tamariki are our future’ so they say but we want to make sure that our tamariki have the best possible future
Inspiring Rangatahi
Partners Porirua is the “go-to” place for services for young people in Porirua. That’s because we’re supporting Porirua rangatahi to be healthy, engaged, and successful in education, training and employment.
It’s our mission that rangatahi in our communities have a positive outlook on life in particular, their working life.
We bring role models from business and community together and connect them with rangatahi to inspire them about their future and raise their awareness of the wonderful opportunities that lie ahead.
How we help:
- Increased awareness of the working world
- Mentoring and career planning
- Education, training and work options
- Safe driver education
- Workplace support

Connecting with Young People
We connect businesses, community and individuals to rangatahi in our community who are looking for opportunities to explore what the world has to offer and what they can give in return.
We do this through our education and business pathway programme, which place business mentors into schools to share knowledge. Our various programmes provide opportunities for rangatahi to enter the workforce by linking our Youth 2 Work movement activity with businesses who are committed to growing local talent.
Our Values
We walk the talk; our values underpin everything we do:
Manaakitanga | Hospitality, kindness, generosity, support the process of respect, generosity and care for others.
Kotahitanga | Unity, solidarity, togetherness and collective action.
Whanaunatanga | Kinship, sense of family connection, a relationship through shared experiences and working together provides people with a sense of belonging.
Tikanga | Correct procedure, custom, method rule, practice, protocol.