Young employees wow at 2025 awards
Partners Porirua News
“As a community we have the power to believe in our young people so they can believe in themselves” … and with those words the theme was set for a fabulous evening of celebration at the Porirua Young Employee Awards 2025.
John Lafaele, MC and Partners Porirua Contract Services Manager, reiterated that the awards are about elevating rangatahi and seeing them step into opportunities and saying, ‘I can do this’.
Employers, educators, organisations, families and the community joined together to celebrate young candidates and finalists at the awards held on Wednesday 19 March.
Mayor Anita Baker said she was impressed by the talent of the young people in our community and wanted to acknowledge the businesses and organisations supporting young people despite the challenging economic environment.
A talented group of 33 candidates were recognised for their outstanding contributions with special awards given for:
Community Contribution Award: Lepeti Pio (Porirua District Court)
Future Leader Award: Leah Moura (Venue Service, Te Rauparaha Arena, PCC)
Work Ethic Award: Jesse Free (Mexted Sports Turf)
Workplace Culture Award: Charlotte Claridge (Kainga Ora)
Rising Star Award: Johnson Aumua-Peseta (Porirua District Court)
Overall Winner: Jessica Schnell, (Whittaker’s)
The evening was topped off by inspirational high-achieving local Tania Tupu. Tania grew up in Waitangirua, is a former Olympic basketballer, is a celebrated Māori artist, coaches the Tokomanawa Queens basketball team is the General Manager of Te Papa Stores and runs Aloha Friday Coffee and Gallery with her husband.
Tania reiterated the importance of the shoulder tap, telling someone they’re doing a great job, of sharing success stories to inspire others, of fostering a sense of pride and unity for Porirua, and the power of connection leading to lifelong support networks and friendships.
“Your achievements are a source of pride for all of us and your success will inspire others,” she said.
The last words of the evening belonged to local MP Barbara Edmonds who congratulated all the candidates and told them: “If you stand in your integrity, and let your values guide you – you’ll always know you’ve done the right thing”.
Thrive in 25 Award
Girl Native was named the Porirua Chamber of Commerce Thrive in 2025 Award recipient at the Porirua Young Employee Awards.
The award is special recognition for a business that has set itself up to thrive and in doing so lifts up others along the way, said Steven Dyhrberg, Chair of the Porirua Chamber of Commerce Advisory Committee.
Girl Native is an internationally recognised and celebrated skincare brand known for its commitment to quality, inclusivity, and innovative beauty solutions.